When you give too much weight to other people's opinions, you're basically telling your true self to take a hike.
Your self-esteem is tied to the yo-yo of what other people think of you. When other people approve of you and your decisions? You feel great! When other people disapprove of you? You feel like crap.
You end up becoming a slave to what other people want. Running around trying to please everyone with every decision. Never really tuning into your own needs.
You will NEVER have what you truly want in life unless you learn to shut out other people's opinions. Until you stop giving a crap about what they think & really tune into your desires, your voice, your actions!
So many of us stop ourselves from living our best lives because we fear embarrassment. We fear what other people might think of us if we wear that bikini but don't have a perfect body.
Stop it. Right now. Embarrassment is really no big deal.
Put on your blinders. Stop looking at what everyone else is doing. Keep your eyes on your own paper. Seriously, everyone's journey is different. Comparison is something that will drive you batty. And it's entirely self-imposed torture. Let that shit go now!
So what do you do when you have people in your world who suck the positive mojo right out of you? You set boundaries! If people are tearing you down & making you feel like you're less than then tell them
It seriously can be as easy as that.