“Sitting is the new smoking!” - you may have heard that phrase being bandied around by experts as we continue to learn how bad sitting can be for your health. But it truly is a warning you should heed.
You need to stay active at your desk and throughout your day in order to counteract the damage sitting can do to your body. • Use a stand up desk!
Sit on an exercise ball instead of a chair/couch.
Set a timer & get up when it goes off.
Try out a treadmill desk.
Leg lifts under the desk with ankle weights.
Mini exercise bike or stepper.
Surfboard desks.
Walking Meetings, using bluetooth headphones
Get more activity in your working day - avoid feeling sluggish at work, avoid feeling pain and discomfort from being at your desk all day, avoid bad posture that can have knock on effects for years to come.
The negative effects of sitting at your desk all day:
Sedentary lifestyles are extremely common, but it’s taking its toll on health and productivity. Our bodies are built to move and be in regular action - it’s time to get active at your desk as too much sitting can cause the following health ailments:
As your blood flows slower and your muscles are burning less fat, there’s a higher risk of fatty acids clogging your heart.
The pancreas produces more insulin when sedentary, which could lead to diabetes. The efficiency of your body when dealing with sugar is affected by how physically active you are.
It’s believed that those who are sedentary are more at risk of various cancers, as the antioxidants in your body aren’t getting a boost from movement. These antioxidants are known to target potentially cancer-causing free radicals.
Digestion problems
Back and hip problems
Poor posture.
Leg issues, such as, weak bones and varicose veins.
Rise in stress levels
Decreases in productivity and energy.
The mental benefits of filling your days with moving!
So what happens when you start to get more activity in and move away from the desk at regular intervals? Not only will your body improve, but your mindset and energy will be affected too. Productivity is known to rise dramatically when employees are able to get physical activity into their working day.
Coach B