But they keep it going despite the evidence.
Here's what you can do to save your health with the changing of the clocks.
Messing with your circadian rhythm is bad for your health. Inflammation, heart disease, diabetes, infertility, hormone imbalances, and even accidents go up when sleep quality goes down.
Did you know the rate of car accidents increases following daylight savings? That's because lack of sleep can impair you worse than alcohol.
Follow these tips I am sharing to give your body the support it needs this daylight savings.
The extended daylight delays melatonin.
Melatonin is not only for sleep, but also an important antioxidant.
Lower levels are associated with increased risk of chronic disease, infertility, and cancer.
Sleeping in a dark room is a must!
Eat tart cherries, fish, eggs, nuts, goji berries.
If you do screens at night, wear blue light blocking glasses.
Eat and take B vitamins, magnesium, zinc. This will help your melatonin.
Hydrate with 8 ounces of lemon water & salt when you wake up.
Aim to drink 5-8 ounces every hour up until dinner.
Sunlight in the morning & throughout the day.
Eat at least 20 grams of protein for breakfast and protein + fiber at every meal to help with blood sugar.
Spend time doing things that make you happy.
Consider walking or gentle exercise, rather than pushing yourself today. Your body has enough stress and dialing back will help both stress hormones and performance at your next workout.